Cat Exploring

Want to try Cat Exploring?

Firstly, it is important to recognise if your cat wants to go exploring. Not all cats do, some would prefer to stay inside and stick to their daily routine and that’s perfectly okay. Always remember that every individual cat has its own unique personality – their own likes and dislikes.
Each cat is different so there is no right or wrong way to train your cat. It is usually easier to start training in young kittens compared to older cats, however it is still possible, it may just take a little longer and require some more patience.
A key component to training your cat to walk on a leash is ensuring they are comfortable in their harness. A leash should never be attached to a collar. A harness is a much safer alternative, especially if the cat makes any sudden movements.
It can be an uncomfortable experience for some cats at first as it may feel constrictive to their body if they have never worn a harness before. We recommend starting slow (even just sniffing the harness) and providing lots of rewards, such as special treats. You can start with short spurts wearing the harness indoors and gradually increase the timeframe.
Only once your cat is comfortable wearing the harness indoors can you introduce going outside! Start with locations you know are safe and that have minimal background activity occurring, such as your backyard.
As they become more relaxed, you can increase the duration of the outings. This can also be a good time to introduce the training of a “cat backpack” or stroller to use as a safe place. You can progressively introduce new locations with more sounds, people, animals, activities etc. Always ensure to keep your cat close and move away from situations if the cat begins to seem uncomfortable in any way.
It’s time to see your kitty cats out and about!
Share your photos with us on Instagram by tagging @kittycattitude
Check out our range of Little Kitty Co harnesses to get you started

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